Our association stands as a bridge between the Canadian and Indian communities, fostering understanding, appreciation, and unity. Timmins becomes a melting pot of traditions, where celebrations, festivals, and shared experiences weave a narrative that transcends borders.
Timmins: A Cultural Fusion Ground
Timmins is not just a city; it’s a meeting ground for diverse perspectives and shared values. The Indo-Canadian Association of Timmins plays a pivotal role in creating spaces for cultural exchange, dialogue, and collaboration. Whether it’s through cultural events, educational initiatives, or community outreach, our association strives to enhance the sense of belonging for both Canadians and Indians in Timmins.
The History of the Indo-Canadian Association of Timmins In 2021, Timmins’s immigrants originating from India came together to form a secular, non-profit organization that would serve to celebrate the history of Indo-Canadian immigrants, as well as promote the contributions of Indo Canadians to Timmins.
Two years later, a constitution and a set of bylaws for the organization were adopted the Indo Canadian Association of Timmins has been established. The community members are determined to establish and uphold the mandate of ICAT: to promote cultural activities and foster Indo Canadian friendships, to assist newcomers to Canada, to facilitate communication and coordination between Indian organizations in Canada, to ensure the rights of members are preserved, and to show sensitivity and assist in individual’s needs under humanitarian grounds.
Any resident of Timmis can participate in ICAT regardless of race, religion, colour, or creed. Events are all free and accessible. Today, the executives and members-at-large continue to serve the community to the best of their ability; proud of their heritage and proud to reside in the land they now call home.
Our Mission
1. To promote social, cultural and other similar activities among its members & to foster Indo Canadian friendship.
2. To orientate and offer assistance to the people of East Indian descent on their arrival in Timmins & help them to adjust to the new environment.
3. To take all reasonable steps to ensure that the freedom and rights of the members are preserved & promoted in the changing environment.
4. To look after the welfare of Indian Students in all possible ways for their needs.
5. To facilitate communication and coordination among other Indian organizations in Canada.
6. To show sensitivity to human needs and sufferings on humanitarian grounds.
Any resident of Timmins may become a member by making a payment of Annual/Life Membership dues. Any person not residing in Timmins may become a member on payment of membership dues provided the approval of the Executive Committee of the Association.